Willard J. Moody, Jr. is proud to announce that Michael R. Davis, of The Moody Law Firm, was recently elected President of the Academy of Rail Labor Attorneys (ARLA). ARLA is a professional association of plaintiffs' attorneys whose practice includes … Read More about Michael R. Davis of The Moody Law Firm Elected President of the Academy of Rail Labor Attorneys
Main Content

Since 1958, the Moody Law Firm has recovered over a Billion Dollars for our Railroad, Personal Injury and Mass Tort Clients.

Since 1958, the Moody Law Firm has recovered over a Billion Dollars for our Railroad, Personal Injury and Mass Tort Clients.

Since 1958, the Moody Law Firm has recovered over a Billion Dollars for our Railroad, Personal Injury and Mass Tort Clients.
Practice Areas
Our quality attorneys are licensed in Virginia and other states, including Florida, North Carolina, and West Virginia. Additionally, through our vast network of attorneys in other states, The Moody Law Firm provides legal representation in every state of the Union.
The Moody Law Firm Maintains a General Civil Trial Practice in all State and Federal Courts, Including Claims Involving the Federal Employers Liability Act(” FELA”), Railroad Accidents and Injuries, Railroad Crossing Accidents, Railroad Liability, and Railroad Safety, as well as Personal Injury Claims Involving Vehicular Accidents, Medical Malpractice, Premises Liability, Products Liability, and Dangerous Drugs/Medical Devices.
Verdicts and Settlements
Jury Awards $2.4 Million To Former NS Engineer Injured On Job.
Ns Conductor/Rco Injures Ankle And Develops Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Sounding Of Horn Inside Locomotive Shop Blamed For Tinnitus
About The Moody Law Firm



What Our Clients Say

Will Moody Interviewed by KMBC-9 Kansas City About Mendon Amtrak June 27 Derailment and Crash
Court filing: BNSF trying to force arbitration for Mendon Amtrak crash victims Attorneys for victims argue to keep civil lawsuits moving forward after June 27 derailment Attorney Will Moody, of Portsmouth Va., said one of his clients lost his … Read More about Will Moody Interviewed by KMBC-9 Kansas City About Mendon Amtrak June 27 Derailment and Crash
Moody Law Firm Wins Whistleblower Case Against BNSF for Total of $1.74 Million for Client
Federal Court Orders Railway to Pay $696,173 for Lost Wages After U.S. Department of Labor Finds Railway Retaliated Against Whistleblower. Department of Labor February 5, 2020 DENVER, CO – The U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado … Read More about Moody Law Firm Wins Whistleblower Case Against BNSF for Total of $1.74 Million for Client