Prescription drugs can have many serious side effects in addition to the medical benefits they provide. Most pharmaceutical companies are multi-national corporations that make billions of dollars per year on the sale of prescription drugs distributed worldwide. Some of the drugs they sell are placed on the market before all of the side effects of the drugs are fully understood or even when testing shows serious health risks associated with a particular drug.

The competition among drug companies to develop and place on the market the next “blockbuster” medication sometimes causes them to rush a drug to the market before they fully understand all of the risks associated with long term use of that medication. In order to get doctors to prescribe medications, drug companies downplay risks and place inadequate warnings on labels of known risks of those drugs. Drug companies employ aggressive marketing programs directed at both the prescribing physicians and consumers in order to convince them to prescribe and/or ask their physicians for particular drugs. We have all seen our television sets flooded with commercials about new medications or the next miracle drug that is being placed on the market. Many of these drugs can cause serious injury and even death.
The Moody Law Firm, Inc. has represented many victims of adverse drug reactions and has the staff trained to handle these types of claims. Many of these clients have been seriously injured or even killed by the prescription drugs they took. We can help you or your loved ones with claims for these types of injuries. Below is a list of just some of the products we are currently accepting cases for:
- Bard Composix Kugel Mesh Patch – The “memory recoil ring” that is so critical to the patch is prone to breakage during the stress of placing it inside the body. If the device breaks, it can cause a number of serious and potentially life-threatening complications, such as a bowel perforation, chronic intestinal fistulae, or abnormal connections of passageways between intestines and other gastrointestinal organs.
In addition to prescription drugs, many similar companies develop and market medical devices that doctors place in patients. Many of these devices are defectively designed or carry inadequate warnings about the risk associated with using them. Examples of this are things such as pacemakers, stents, and even joint replacements. Like medications, many of the risks of using these products are not fully known before they are put on the market. The Moody Law Firm, Inc. is also capable of representing you in claims pertaining to medical devices that cause injury.