Willard J. Moody, Jr. is proud to announce that Michael R. Davis, of The Moody Law Firm, was recently elected President of the Academy of Rail Labor Attorneys (ARLA). ARLA is a professional association of plaintiffs’ attorneys whose practice includes the representation of injured railroad workers and their families under the Federal Employers’ Liability Act […]
Read MoreWill Moody Interviewed by KMBC-9 Kansas City About Mendon Amtrak June 27 Derailment and Crash
Court filing: BNSF trying to force arbitration for Mendon Amtrak crash victims Attorneys for victims argue to keep civil lawsuits moving forward after June 27 derailment Attorney Will Moody, of Portsmouth Va., said one of his clients lost his arm during the derailment, and had another arm mangled. “He was trapped like that for two […]
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